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Showing posts from March, 2007

Traffics into Sales

Once people started visiting your website, are they going to spend more time browsing your pages? Or do they click in for a peek and leave before doing anything that will convert into profit? These are some of the question before an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialist starts building traffic for a specific site. You can analyze your website, by using web analytics just to figure out on how to get more traffic that would convert into sales. Having a quality site is not just focusing on getting tons of traffic, but on how we could make this traffic converted into sales or in SEO, we called it ROI (Return of Investment). In optimizing a specific site, you must have a rich keyword saturation in order to get ranked (mostly the title tag). Once you achieve this, you had provided what users really want. That´s the missing piece of the puzzle and to the factor that causes many people scratch their heads in disbelief.

Philippine's Outsourcing through System Economy

If the Philippines was looking to rejuvenate or to strengthen the system economy then it can exist in the form of outsourcing. Now a day, Philippines have the edge of this rapidly growing industry via the wonders of information technology (IT). This is a smart strategy for an economy to chase in the outsourcing solutions by providing the key backroom of IT solutions for the leading corporations in the United States and the European Union. Outsourcing is the process of relocating production development to another country as a means to decrease staff cost while increasing productivity or what we called return of investment (ROI). As a whole of outsourcing in the Philippines, it can generate a hundred times more jobs per dollar invested by the leading corporations. The outcome will be held into fast progression of the system economy through the manner of outsourcing industry in the Philippines.